Have you noticed that you can't focus on a book or magazine like you used to? maybe the words or images are looking a little blurry or out of focus and you need to hold your book out at arms length in order to read what's on the pages? If that sounds familiar, then you may be showing symptoms of presbyopia. Although it's a complicated sounding word, there's nothing to worry about as it's a natural part of ageing. It occurs when the crystaline lens in your eyes becomes harder & this in turn means your ability to focus on near objects becomes harder for you. This usually happens in our 40's and is a gradual decline - even more reason for us to make regular appointments to see the optician! Symptoms of Presbyopia
Helping yourselfAs mentioned earlier, it's important you visit your optician. A simple eye test will let you know if your prescription has changed and appointments usually only take 30 minutes or so.
It is also important that you have the right lighting for the tasks you are doing. We have a range of LED lamps and lighting that can help. Don't go for the easy option of buying glasses that can be bought without knowing your prescription. Although these are a cheap option, it's important that you get your eyes checked out to ensure you are wearing the right prescription. Podcasts are extremely popular right now. There's no better way than spending some time on a sunday afternoon listening away to your favourite podcast and spending some time relaxing. Seeing as they're so popular, we thought we'd check some podcasts that are related to sight and in particular Visual Impairment to see which ones we could recommend for you. If you have or know of a podcast that isn't on the list, please let us know about it in the comments at the end of this article. LightHouse for the blind & Visually Impaired podcastAt the time of writing this post, there hadn't been any updated podcasts but there are more than enough episodes to get you going with this podcast specially designed for the blind and visually impaired. Learn more and listen here Eyes on successThis is a podcast that is set like a radio show. It lasts about 30 minutes each week and focuses on topics ranging from general interest to visual impairment Learn more and listen here Guide dogs for the blindThis podcast focuses on how guide dogs are raised and trained. With insights focusing on the work of guide dogs and their owners, this is a really good podcast if you are getting a guide dog or looking into becoming a trainer of one. Learn more and listen here Eyes-Free Fitness podcastA good, well rounded health podcast focusing on topics such as your health to easy to cook recipes.
As well as interviews with others Learn more and listen here |
AuthorAssociated Optical -improving the lives of people living with sight loss for over 35 years. Archives
January 2023